Firstly, remove all the drawers from the desk. Using the screwdriver or the specific tool you need and detach the front part of your drawer.
If yours is like this one and has these screw pins make sure you remove them from the front piece as well.
Once you have all the pieces of your drawers detached let's go to a well-protected table and let's start sending each piece.
I used 150 grit sandpaper for this. I didn't want it to be too rough and sanded each piece carefully.
Then green well hp's to remove all the dust left by the sanding. it's a good idea to use a slightly damped piece of cloth or towel.
Now it's time to paint.
If like me, you are using spray paint, I suggest going to a ventilated space.
Protect the surface where you are going to paint using either cardboard, plastic or newspaper.
Lay all your pieces a little close together and start spraying them respecting the distance instructed by your product.
Try not to overspray all at once so you avoid drops or paint accumulation in some areas.
Let them dry, turn them over and spray again.
It doesn't have to get completely covered in your first coat and that's okay. it took me about three coats to get it completely covered letting it dry between coats.
Finally, I sprayed the clear varnished over the pieces. this step is mostly to make sure nothing scratches the painted surface and I recommend using a matte varnish.
Now that you have all your front pieces dry and ready, it's time to reassemble the drawers.
Lastly, let's put our pretty drawers back on the desk.