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DIY Macrame Plant Hanger with plant on the wallCover image

DIY Macrame Plant Hanger Tutorial

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You don't need to be a macrame expert to give this DIY Macrame Plant Hanger a try. All you need is a little rope and lots of spare time. Learn how to make your own here.
Category DIY & Craft
Topic Easy Crafts
Keyword learn macrame, macrame plant hanger, macrame project, plant hanger
Prep Time 15 minutes
Crafting Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Pieces 1 Plant Hanger
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 20


  • scissors
  • Measuring tape.


  • Macrame cord or Cotton cord or rope in the color you like best.
  • Wooden Beads or embellishments if desired.
  • Wooden ring of about 15 cm or as you like more.
  • Elastic Bands I use them to hold the bent strings.


  • Firstly, you have to decide what size you want the macrame planter tapestry to be from top to bottom. Mine reached 130 cm. So the strings should be 3 times the size of the finished tapestry.


  • You will need to cut 8 strands in total that are folded in half which means you would have 16 pieces of cord to work with.
  • I have created these graphics with the strings in different colors and numbers to make it easier to see which strings are used for the knots.
  • Step 1: Attach your cords to the ring. Take one of your cords, fold it in half, and attach it to the wooden ring with a lark’s head knot. To make a Lark’s Head Knot, take your rope and fold it in half. Then put the loop over and behind the dowel. Now, pull the ends of the rope through the loop and tighten.
  • Repeat that with the rest of the cords and bring them together one next to the other.
  • Leave about 1-2 Inches of cord to start the diamond design.


  • Step 2: Make the first square knots. We will work first with cords 4 and make the first square knot. As you can see you’ll work with four cords. The ones on the left and right will be your working cords and the two in the center cords will be your filler cords.
  • Bend the left cord in front of the two middle filler cords and under the right cord. Then, bring the right cord behind the filler cords and up through the loop you made in with the left cord and tighten. This is called a half knot. To complete the square knot, you’ll make another half knot, but this time it’ll be reversed, first with the right cord in front and the left behind.
  • Step 3: Now from here on we’ll be working on alternating Square Knot. So we’ll use cords 3-4 and 5-6 to knit the next row which has only 2 square basic macrame knots.
  • You can see that the 4 strings that make up a knot are mixed from here.
  • Step 4: The next row has 3 square knots and to make them we will use cords 2-3, 4-5, and 6-7. I show it in the following graphic.
  • Step 5: The next row has 4 square knots and we are already in the middle of the diamond that forms our macrame hanger tapestry. We are using all the cords to make this row. You can see it in the next graphic.
  • Step 6: The 3 knots that form this row show us that we are making a return. We will use cords 2-3, 4-5, and 6-7. See how it looks below:
  • Step 7: Here make just 2 square knots and use cords 3-4, and 5-6 for it. We are getting close to closing the diamond.
  • Step 8: Finally, one single square knot. With this knot, we finish the first diamond.
  • Step 9: Now it’s time to attach the embellishments if you want to use them. I used some light wooden beads that I thought matched very well with the turquoise color of the cord. So these embellishments will work as separations from one diamond to the next.
  • Step 10: Now you just have to repeat steps 1 to 8 to knit 2 more diamonds.


  • Step 11: To create the basket where the pot will be placed, drop down about 2-3 inches from the last diamond. We’re going to tie a row of four square knots straight across. Skip the first 2 cords and tie 4 square knots, then skip the last 2 cords.
  • Step 12: Now, grab the two cords you didn’t use on each side, flip the cords toward the center on both sides and then tie a square knot about an inch or so below the row of square knots we just tied.
  • Step 13: Use the left two cords from that square knot and the next two cords to the left to tie a square knot about an inch and a half below the knot you just tied in the center. It’ll be on the left side.
  • Step 14: Then do the same thing on the right side.
  • Step 15: Flip your plant hanger around and continue tying square knots all the way around at the same level as those first two. There will be 5 square knots altogether.
  • Step 16: The Wrapping knot. Now you need to grab one of your pieces of cord and use it to tie a wrapping knot around all the cords under that last row of square knots. Give it as many wraps as you reach the desired size.
  • Step 17: Cut the tail to the desired length. My daughter left it long but you can cut it where you like it best. You can also make a finer, fluffier fringe by brushing the ends with a white brush.
  • And ready! Our wonderful DIY Macrame Plant hanger is ready to rock!