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DIY Rustic Burlap Christmas Wreath

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Learn how you can make this Rustic Burlap Christmas Wreath for your holiday decor out of a pool noodle and using only rustic elements. That’s right, we said a pool noodle! The best part is that when the holiday is over, you can re-purpose it! 
Category DIY & Craft, Holidays
Topic Christmas craft
Keyword diy burlap Christmas wreath, diy burlap wreath, diy Christmas Wreath, pool noodle craft
Prep Time 15 minutes
Crafting Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Pieces 1 Piece
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 20


  • scissors
  • Craft knife


  • A pool noodle.
  • A small piece of hose {wide enough so it would fit inside the pool noodle}
  • Duct tape
  • Light beige burlap ribbon {about 2.5 inches wide}
  • Natural burlap ribbon {about 2.5 inches wide}
  • Twine
  • A Burlap Bow
  • 4 Rustic burlap flower spray decor {or anything you love}
  • 2 pinecone spray decor
  • Plaid Ribbon {about 2 Inches wide}
  • Any decoration you love to hang inside.


  • Since the pool noodle is used to being mostly straight, you need to train it to go in a circle. To do this, you just need to bend it. I had a little one help me a bit.


  • Just bend it one way and another, being careful not to make creases or kinks. You might need an extra pair of hands for this though!
  • Bending the pool noodle into an spiral
  • I decided to give it time so I created kind of a spiral and place it inside a box where it fit and left it for a couple of days.
  • Once the pool noodle is retrained, you are ready to put it all together.
  • Insert the hose piece into the pool noodle on both ends and make both pool noodle ends meet.
  • Tape it up!
  • Taping up both ends of the pool noodle together to close the wreath form
  • Work it a bit so it gets as circular as possible.
  • There you go! Now you have your inexpensive foam wreath form.


  • We are going to make two sections of the wreath form. one for the light burlap and another one for the natural burlap.
  • Using your light beige burlap ribbon start warping your foam form. I overlapped every half of the ribbon so the pool noodle color wouldn’t show up and also wrapped it from one end of duct tape to the other.
  • I used a couple of rolls of burlap ribbon for this section.
  • Finish up wrapping over the duct tape with your natural burlap ribbon. It should take more than 1 roll.
  • I did it like this because most of the decoration I used was darker, especially the bow so it would match.
  • Use twine strings to secure the ends of your burlap ribbon by making a couple of loops and making a tight knot. Or you can use pins if you prefer.
  • Our foam form is covered!


  • Now, take your decorated burlap sprays and bend the stem so they get a round shape like your foam form.
  • Place 2 of them on each side of your natural burlap ribbon space. Play with the composition as you think is best for you.
  • Secure them with a strip of twine. Use one on each end and one around the center. Adjust positions as needed.
  • Insert your cranberries and pinecones spray decor between both branches to add pops of color making sure it fits into the twine too.
  • You can add small tree ornaments here or any type of decor if you like to give it your own twist.
  • Repeat the process on the other side and place your burlap bow in the middle.
  • Also, tie it up with a twine strip.


  • Time to add your plaid ribbon…
  • Now, take the decor you chose to hang inside and place it where you want it to be, and secure it with a twine strip in place.
  • Finally, run your plaid ribbon through the wreath and over your hanging decor hanger. Join the ends at the top and tie them into a bow. I did the bow with the wreath already on the door to tie it well to the wreath hanger.
  • There you go! Your Rustic Burlap Christmas Wreath is now ready to be hung.