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How to Add Watermark to Multiple Photos at Once with Photoshop Automate Batch

How to Add Watermark to Multiple Photos at Once with Photoshop Automate Batch

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Step-by-step tutorial with detailed instructions. In this article, you'll learn how to add watermark to multiple photos at once using Photoshop Automate Batch Feature
Keyword automated batch, photoshop 101, watermark
Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Pieces 1
Author Camila Rojas


  • Personal Computer


  • Adobe Photoshop


  • You need to have your watermark image already created in .png or .psd file without background.
  • Firstly, create New Action button (sheet icon), or choose New Action from the Actions panel menu and give it a name. Let’s call it Watermark.
  • Once the action has been created hit Record button and you will se that action you created will how up in your folder and with the red circle in red which means is now recording.
  • Open one of your resized images.
  • Then Go to File > Place Embedded
  • Find your watermark file, select it and hit choose.
  • The image will show up with a bounding box, just hit enter key to embed it.
  • I like to have my watermark on the bottom-right corner of my images so select both layers, watermark and background image and using your alignment buttons at the top, click align right and then align bottom.
  • Next step, holding your shift key hit once your up arrow key and then your left arrow key.
  • This is to separate your watermark from the edges of the photo and give some air around it.
  • This is totally optional and the values up to you. Lower your watermark opacity. I usually set it to 80% so it fades a little bit into the photo.
  • Now, select both layers again and let’s flatten the image. Go to Layer > Flatten Image.
  • It’s time to save. So juts hit Command S (Control S on PC) or go to File > Save. Confirm max quality in the dialog box.
  • Close your image. 

Ok a quick note here. Since you closed the image you can’t see the actions anymore but it’s still recording. So open any image and click on the square icon to stop recording and then delete the “Open” task in the action list. Your LAST TASK should be “Close”.
  • Your Watermark Action is ready.
  • Lastly close your image so we can test watermark your automation.

Watermarking Photos with Photoshop Automate Batch

  • Firstly, make sure all your optimized and resized images are in the right folder (single folder of their own).
  • Then go to File > Automate > Batch.
  • It will open a Dialog Box.
  • (1) Make sure your Action Set and watermark Action is set correctly. In the Set pop-up menu, select the set that contains the action you want to apply.
  • (2) In the Source pop-up menu, select Folder. Click the Choose button, navigate to the folder that you want to use, and click OK (in Windows) or Choose (in Mac OS).
  • Select other options in the Source area, as desired.
  • (3) In the Destination pop-up menu, select Folder where you want the processed images to go to. Click the Choose button, navigate to the folder that you want to use, and click OK (in Windows) or Choose (in Mac OS).
  • I usually choose the same folder to override the images without watermark. But you can have a different folder if you prefer.
  • (4) Specify how you want Photoshop to create the filenames for the new, processed files by selecting options from the drop-down menus.
When you process large numbers of files, these naming tools can help you keep track of when and how the files were created.
  • Tick and box you might think it’s useful to you.
  • In the Errors pop-up menu, select whether you want Photoshop to stop processing a batch when it encounters an error or whether you want it to simply continue and list the errors in a file. If you select the latter option, click the Save As button and, in the Save dialog box, specify a name and location for the log.
  • When you finish selecting options in the Batch dialog box, click OK to start the batch processing.
  • You will see flashes of lights in the screen that’s because it’s opening and closing images like crazy. It’s ok.
  • Once Photoshop stops. Go to your folder and check your photos. All of them should be watermarked by now. If not check your Action steps.
  • That’s it. Form now on and until you need to change something specific you don’t have to do anything else here. Just automate your watermark whenever your photos are ready to go and placed in your set folder.