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DIY Farmhouse Christmas Wreath

Diy Farmhouse Christmas Wreath

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Make your own beautiful Farmhouse Christmas wreath with this very simple and fun DIY tutorial. Get in the mood for the holidays with a hint of rustic charm and sophistication.
Category DIY & Craft
Topic Christmas craft, Christmas decor
Keyword diy Christmas Wreath, Diy Farmhouse Christmas Wreath, Diy Farmhouse Wreath, diy wreath
Prep Time 15 minutes
Crafting Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Pieces 1 Piece
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 15


  • scissors


  • Wreath foam frame – I made mine with a pool noodle if you want to learn how, check it out HERE.
  • Light beige burlap ribbon – mine was 2 Inches wide x 3 yards
  • Natural burlap ribbon – I used about 3 yards
  • White yarn – I used 2 types regular ones as ties and a furry one for the frame.
  • 2 Christmas tree sprig
  • 1 Cranberry sprig
  • Plaid ribbon – about 1 1/2 Inches wide
  • Wooden Merry Christmas Sign.


  • My wreath foam was homemade, I made it for my Rustic Christmas Wreath and you can find the tutorial to make one if you want to save some money!


  • Start wrapping the wreath foam with my light beige burlap ribbon. Cover about 70% of it.
  • Secure the ends of the burlap ribbon with twine or yarn. This is a great way to secure it because you’ll be able to reuse the wreath foam and the burlap in the future so we don’t want to damage either of them.
  • Then wrap the wreath with yarn overlapping the burlap on both ends. Here again using the same yar to secure the ends.
  • When you reach the other end cut the yarn and tuck it into the yarn loops.
  • The wreath base is ready!


  • For the ruffled part, take the natural color burlap ribbon, and ruffled the end.
  • Place it over the light burlap but about 1 inch away from the yarn.
  • Secured it with white yarn and don’t cut it just yet, you will be looping around to secure each ruffle section.
  • Don’t worry about the yarn since it won’t be visible at all. You can also use a similar color twine.
  • A few inches away ruffle again and place it anywhere close to the first ruffle.
  • Wrap the yarn or twine a couple of times and tighten it.
  • Keep doing the ruffle and wrap with yarn slightly switching sides until your burlap is over.
  • When you reach the last end of your burlap, ruffle it and wrap it 2 or 3 times to secure it and then turn the wreath back side up.
  • Make a knot like a half bow so you can untie it later.
  • Ruffles done!


  • Now, take one of your pine tree springs, and try to curve it a little to match the wreath shape.
  • Then insert it into the yarn loops right below the ruffles.
  • When you get it in the desired place, insert the other spring so it will look like a larger spring. I inserted it between the ruffles and the first sprig.
  • You should get something like this:
  • Cut a couple of strings of yarn, wire, or twine and secure your springs wrapping them to the back.
  • What I did was find the central column of the springs and insert the yarn through the branches so it wouldn’t be visible and then tied a knot on the back.
  • Then make a cute bow with a plaid ribbon (or your favorite one) and glue it to the cranberry spring and insert it through the yarn loops between tree springs and ruffles as well.
  • When you like the position you are almost done.
  • Time to place your Merry Christmas sign. Decide the place and position of your sign.
  • Using strings of yarn secure the sign on the back of the wreath.
  • Finally, use your plaid ribbon as a hanger for your wreath.
  • Make a knot depending on how high you want your wreath to be on your door. Met hanger is long so I left a little ribbon at the top.
  • I love bows on the hanger so I put in place the hanger and tied a pretty bow.
  • You are all set! Let’s hang our gorgeous farmhouse Christmas wreath on the door!