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DIY Felt Flowers Spooky Halloween Wreath with creepy eyeballs.

DIY Felt Flower Spooky Halloween Wreath

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This super Spooky Halloween Wreath is one fun and easy project to make and decorate your front door this year. Made with felt flowers and some spooky eyeballs on a wreath foam.
Category DIY & Craft, Halloween
Topic Halloween craft, Halloween decoration
Keyword diy felt halloween wreath, diy spooky eyeballs wreath, diy spooky halloween wreath
Prep Time 25 minutes
Crafting Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Pieces 1 Piece
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 35


  • Pencil or fabric chalk
  • Sharp scissors
  • Hot Glue tool.


  • About 2 yards of black felt it could be more or less depending on the diameter of your circles
  • Around 1/2 yard of purple felt
  • About 1/2 yard of orange felt
  • Wreath foam
  • 8 Plastic spooky eyeballs


  • Step 1: Start by cutting as many black circles as you can. I made around 70 felt black flowers. A few orange and purple. I used 4 of each for eyeball flowers. I used a small bowl to draw the circle shape.
  • Step 2: Check out my Felt Flowers diy blog post for the detailed instructions for the regular felt flowers and start making your black flowers.
  • Step 3: Let’s make the eyeball flowers. Follow the same instructions to cut the spiral on the felt circles.
  • Step 4: Grab your plastic eyeball and around the middle of the ball (around the eye) start gluing the felt flower starting by the external tip. Add glue around so the felt won’t slip.
  • Step 5: Make loops with the felt until you reach the end. Add glue every now and then to keep felt in place and at the end add hot glue to the edges of the felt and on the eyeball back and glue the end of the felt to cover the loops and ball.
  • Step 6: Make more of these with purple and orange felt.
  • Step 7: Start gluing your felt flowers and eyeball flowers to your wreath foam. I surrounded each eyeball flower with lots of black felt flowers and then added the next eyeball one and so on.
  • Step 8: Keep moving along the wreath foam making sure you cover the whole thing.
  • Step 9: If you get empty spaces cut smaller circles of black felt and insert them in the black spaces like in the video.
  • Step 10: Once you filled the whole wreath it’s time to go and hang your awesome spooky Halloween Wreath on your door or mantel.