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DIY Leather Cord Necklace with Owl Pendant - Beginners Tutorial Cover image

DIY Leather Cord Necklace with Owl Pendant - Beginners Tutorial

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This Beginners Tutorial for a leather cord necklace diy with an owl pendant will teach you how to create easy handmade leather jewelry at home in no time. This is a great project for beginners and for people who want to DIY their own unique jewelry.
Category DIY & Craft
Topic Gifts, Handmade Jewelry
Keyword DIY Leather Cord Necklace, diy necklace with pendant, Leather Cord Necklace diy
Prep Time 5 minutes
Crafting Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Pieces 1 Piece
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 10


  • Jewelry pliers (flat nose pliers and bent nose pliers)
  • scissors


  • 3 mm Leather cords – I used 2 purple and green but feel free to use your favorite color combination.
  • Owl Charm – I used an owl but you can use your favorite one.
  • Jump rings 3-5mm
  • Fold-over cord crimps that match your cord thickness
  • Clasp – I used a very cute toggle clasp bar and ring


  • I used 2 colors, which means 2 cords. I used green and violet.
  • I cut them to equal size, long enough that when the knots are made, the necklace is still on the wished length.
  • It’s always better to have leftovers than to need more leather later.
  • Since the hanging hole is too small, I used just one of the cords to attach the pendant. I took the violet string and I fold it in half.
  • I inserted the folded end through the hole, from the back to the front.
  • When it was out, I left a few centimeters (about an inch).
  • I inserted the other end (both cords) through the folded end.
  • I pulled the cord leaving a little space.
  • Through that space, I inserted the green cord halfway.
  • I tightened the violet cord to secure the green one in place.
  • At this point, you should have both colors on each side of the pendant.
  • I made the first knot a few centimeters (about an inch) away from the pendant.
  • Make it tight. I tried to make visible both colors on the knot.
  • Keeping the same distance I made a knot on the other string set and here is the pattern you’ll follow
  • From that point on I repeated the knots at the same distance until it gets the desired length.
  • When I got it done I measured again putting the owl where I wanted it to be on my chest.
  • Make a mark to guide where to put the clasp.
  • I used some fold-over crimp on the string ends.
  • I placed it just before the mark because he clasps make the necklaces a bit longer.
  • Placing both cords in the cord end, I tightened them with a plier to secure the cords well.
  • I didn’t cut the leftovers yet just in case the length needs to be adjusted.
  • When I finished with both ends I took some jump rings.
  • With your pliers, open a little bit one jump ring, enough to insert the cord end ring.
  • I inserted the cord end and the clasp on each end.
  • I closed the jump ring again, of course.
  • Now if everything is ok and the length is right, cut the leftover cord.
  • That’s it!!! You have a super cute leader cord necklace!