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DIY Upcycled Bow Hair Clips from Baby Headbands Cover image with before and after

DIY Upcycled Bow Hair Clips from Baby Headbands

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A great way to keep using those elastic baby bow headbands for a long time as our little girls grow is to turn them into some cute upcycled bow hair clips for big girls. Learn how you can do this too!
Category DIY & Craft
Topic Easy Crafts, For Kids, Upcycling
Keyword diy bow hair clips, diy hair clips, diy upcycled bow hairclips, diy upcycled hair clips
Prep Time 5 minutes
Crafting Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Pieces 1 piece
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 5


  • Hot glue gun
  • scissors


  • Baby headbands
  • Small hair clips I prefer French barrettes


  • Gather your supplies.
  • Cut the elastics bands from the bows first so you get the whole bow separated. Cut as close as possible to the joints.
  • Then apply hot glue on the back of the hair clip and place it on the bottom of the bow.
  • Apply some pressure for a few seconds.
  • Glue a small strip of ribbon over the top piece of the hair clip that is glued to the ribbon to secure more and protect the hair.
  • That’s it!!! One cute Upcycled bow hair clip finished!
  • I made another one with a different kind of hair clip (Alligator clips). The same basic process to make it, the only difference was the type of hair clip itself.
  • Tadaaaaa… Can you imagine a craft easier than this???