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Freezer Paper DIY Reindeer Pillows for Christmas (+ Free Cut Files) Cover Image

Freezer Paper DIY Reindeer Pillows for Christmas (+ Free Cut Files)

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Looking for some creative ways to decorate for Christmas this year? Check out these freezer paper DIY reindeer pillows (and get free cut files)! These fun reindeer pillows are a great addition to any holiday decor.
Category Christmas, DIY & Craft
Topic Christmas craft, Christmas decor
Keyword DIY Christmas reindeer pillows, DIY reindeer pillow cover, DIY reindeer pillowcases, DIY reindeer pillows, DIY reindeer pillows christmas
Prep Time 15 minutes
Crafting Time 45 minutes
Drying time 2 hours
Total Time 3 hours
Pieces 1 Piece
Author Camila Rojas
Cost 15


  • Iron – if you have a heat press, even better but not necessary.
  • Cutting Machine – Silhouette Cameo or Cricut. If you’re good with scissors, this design is easy enough to cut out.
  • Sharp scissors
  • sewing machine {this last is optional you can always hand-sew}


  • 2 fabric squares per pillow – 2 inches larger than your pillow insert.
  • Freezer paper
  • 1 zipper per pillow larger than your pillows
  • Silver and gold fabric paint – of your favorite colors
  • Foam brush
  • 2 Red Rhinestones – size and color are totally up to you it’s for the nose
  • Fabric glue
  • Ribbon bows {optional}
  • Needle and thread
  • Reindeer Template Cut File Free!



  • For this project, I painted the reindeer first and then sew the pillowcases because I was making my own covers.
  • I thought it would be easier but you can do it after making the pillowcase if you prefer or paint the reindeer on a purchased pillowcase.


  • So I designed my reindeer on my cutting machine’s software, in this case, I have a Silhouette Cameo. Any cutting machine will do and if don’t have one and you are patient enough you can cut it yourself with scissors.
  • Once the design was done I mirrored the design for one of the pillows since I need to use the freezer paper with the sticky side up.
  • The other one, I left without mirroring since both reindeers are supposed to be facing each other.
  • Placed a 20”x20″ piece of freezer paper on the cutting mat with the waxed side up.


  • Send the design to cut using the normal print paper settings and adjusted the blade to the indicated number.
  • Once cut, remove the internal pieces leaving only the hollow shape of the reindeer.


  • Position your design on the right side of the fabric to have an idea of where to place it. Because I wanted the reindeer on the bottom of the pillow you have a straight-cut line as a reference. I placed that cut line 1 inch from the bottom edge. This is where your zipper will be.
  • placing the stencil on the rustic fabric
  • Then remove it from the mat and place the design with the waxed side facing down where you decided it to be.
  • Iron it on high for a few seconds until you see it doesn’t come off easily.


  • Now let’s PAINT!!!!
  • Slide a piece of cardboard covered with plastic wrap, to make your fabric stiffer and easier to paint. Also to protect the underneath surface.
  • I try my best to always brush from the edges of the freezer paper to the fabric to avoid the paint leaking in causing those ugly edges.
  • In some places, it’s not that easy but it’s something I like to do whenever I can.
  • Fill the hole reindeer and even add a second coat if you see the need.
  • With the silver, I didn’t need it but with the Gold, it was a pain. It was not a Gold Gold color, more like champagne, so I gave it a second coat and still didn’t get the contrast I wanted but I liked the overall look.
  • Let it dry for a few minutes. Most fabric paints dry really quickly and yu want to peel off before it’s completely dry.
  • Once dry carefully remove all the freezer paper.
  • Let it dry completely now.


  • Pour a drop of fabric glue on the tip of the nose of your reindeer and place your rhinestone.
  • Let the fabric glue dry well.
  • There you go, a cute red nose!
  • Red rhinestones placed in the design


  • I played with 2 bows imagining one reindeer is a girl and the other a boy.
  • I put the bow on the horns of the silver reindeer to make it a girl. And I put the other bow on the neck of the gold reindeer as the boy.
  • Stitch each bow in place with your needle and thread. Just a few stitches will do.


  • Now the sewing part. Believe me, it’s not that hard.
  • Fold the bottom edge inwards {where your reindeer is} and place your zipper making sure the zipper teeth are slightly showing above the folded edge.
  • Pin in Place.
  • When you are done on one side, do the same on the other side making sure both sides match the position with the zipper.
  • Using your zipper foot on your sewing machine, they are narrow in size and have a notch on the left for the needle and a notch on the right. This is so that the presser foot can butt up right next to the zipper, making a seam really close to that zipper.
  • I usually start at the bottom of the zipper and work my way to the top.
  • So first, position your needle all the way over to the left (so you don’t break your needle) and now you’re ready to begin sewing along the right side of the seam.
  • Slide your fabric (right side up) underneath the presser foot and find the pin you used to mark the bottom of the zipper.
  • Remember that every zipper teeth width is different, so feel how far out your zipper teeth come and sew just to the right of them, not ON them. Whatever distance away from the teeth you use, just make it consistent as you sew along the zipper.
  • Back stitch a time or two and then start sewing.
  • Keep sewing all the way down the zipper until you are about 2 inches from the end. Repeat on the other side. If you need a more detailed tutorial to install the zipper check out this post.
  • Then leaving the zipper opened, place both right sides together and stitch the 3 other edges leaving 1/2 inch seam allowance. You can see a more detailed tutorial about french seam pillows HERE Envelope Christmas Pillowcases
  • Turn it inside out and then stitch again along the edges {except the zipper one} leaving about another 1/2 inch seam allowance.
  • You are all done!
  • Tuck in your favorite pillow, close your zipper, and let’s make your sofa rock!


Quick TIP: you can keep the reindeer silhouette you removed from the mat to make another project!