I used walnut stain. First I spread it with a brush and then rubbed it all with a cloth rag, You get a pretty shade and you can see all the wood designs.
Let it dry for about 30 to 40 minutes.
I decided to go for a dry brush technique, I wanted to intensify the wood lines and dry brushing is perfect for that.
It’s super simple, just put some paint on a paper plate and spread it out kinda thin, then take a dry brush (I use really cheap brushes for this job) and get a tiny bit of paint on the end of the bristles. Then using a piece of paper just remove the excess of paint from the brush.
Now you are going to just brush this along the wood, re-dip in the paint as necessary, and rub it against the paper because you want your brush to remain dry, so get every bit of paint off you can before you get more on there.
I went through each long piece and rungs until I was happy with the amount of whiteness.
Don’t forget the ends of the sides.
When you are all done you should have something like this.
Let it dry for about 30 minutes.
Then using 80 grit sandpaper, sand roughly along each piece distressing them to give a more aged look, especially on the edges but still a smooth finish.