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DIY Painted Jewelry Box

This Painted Jewelry Box is a sponsored post on behalf of U-CAN. I was sent samples of BiriBiri products to review and was compensated for my time to write this post. All opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way. UPDATE: This business went out of business sadly!

Iโ€™m so super excited today. Todayโ€™s project is a special one. You see, my family is all over the map. I have family in Venezuela, Colombia, Canada, USA, Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica. I could go on and on on this topic. But right now, we have my in-laws visiting us and I wonโ€™t be with my mother-in-law by Motherโ€™s Day so I decided to make something for her in advance. I made this super cute painted jewelry box since I know she loves jewelry and all kind of accessories.

DIY Painted Jewelry Box

DIY Painted Jewelry Box cover image with title text overlay with title text overlay

I was trying to decide how to decorate it and I realized I still had a BiriBiri Kit left and thought it would be a great use for it. I also tried lettering too, which I had never done before and to be my first time it didnโ€™t go that bad LOL.

The grape design was a bit larger than the box, but still, with a few tweaks I made it work and I LOVE the final result! It turned out SO pretty. Of course, I had my hubbyโ€™s hands helping this time and Iโ€™m sure that made it all much better! Heโ€™s always up for projects that involve wood and paint. LOL

So, Letโ€™s see how to make this pretty Painted Jewelry Box, shall we?


  • BiriBiri Washi and Kit
  • Wooden Jewelry or tea box {from craft store that doesnโ€™t have any paint or decoration}
  • White Mate Spray Paint
  • Sand paper
  • Ribbon
  • Felt
  • Glue or hot glue gun {I used UHU glue this time}
  • Scissors and pen
image of wooden box

First, disassemble the box.

view of disassembled wooden box

Sand off any imperfection you might see.

Protect the table or surface where you are going to paint the box.

Start spraying following spray instructions. Because my box was made with MDF wood, it absorbed a lot of paint, which required about 3 to 4 coats. Since this paint dries really fast it didnโ€™t take too long though.

image of the firs coat of paint
closer view of a piece of wooden box painted

The parts that absorb paint the most are the edges. After the first coat is dry, sand a bit and then proceed with the second coat. For some reason it made it all easier.

sanding de piece of wooden box
closer view of another coat of paint

Apply as many coats as you like to get the expected result. Each paint is different so, you might need only 2 or maybe even more coats than I did. The trick is to keep and eye and stop when you are happy with the covering.

We painted even the inside and the separators.

view of separators painted

Let it dry completely, I would suggest about 2 hours even if it says that it dries quick.

view of all pieces painted
closer view of the inside of the painted box
close-up of painted box
close-up of assembled separators

When itโ€™s completely dry, itโ€™s time to decorate!

painted wooden box already painted and assembled

I got my Grape BiriBiri Kit and got started.

Grape Biribiri set image

I decided how I wanted the design to look like and once I was happy I folded the design paper to have a reference.

paper folded from the picture of grapes

Then transferred the design to the boxโ€™s lid. For this, you need to use the blue transfer paper with the waxy side facing your board. Make sure you keep the design and in place to draw all the designs since you canโ€™t use the paper clips here.

placing the transfer paper on the picture

You will get your design drawn in blue like this:

showing how the images are drawn in the box with the transfer paper
close-up of the draw on the box

Each design has some circles with patterns and numbers and the design also has those patterns. That is your reference as to what washi to use on each part of the design.

view of the different paper designs and their numbering

Then start picking the right paper for each piece of the design and using a slight sharp tool {screwdriver, emboss tool and even the tweezers do} and transfer the design through embossing to the paper. This will leave a mark on the paper that we use to tear the paper.

close-up view of embossing technique

I started with the further back pieces of the design such as the grape stems and then the back grapes.

hand-cut piece of paper (biribiri) over the transferred drawing in the wooden box

With a brush spread the given glue {diluted 1:1 with water as itโ€™s directed} and place the washi in place tapping with fingers and making airflow away.

pouring the glue into a container
gluing the pieces of paper on the transferred drawing

Then I worked my way to the upper pieces, like the front grapes and leaves.

contiuning to glue the pieces of paper on the transferred drawing
view of a part already glued
another view of a part already glued
superior view of the box almost finished

Finally using some water I extracted the fibers from the special paper to make the leaves marks.

close-up view of the extraction of paper fibers
showing the extracted paper fiber

There you go. The basic design is done but itโ€™s not completely done!

superior view of the box almost finished

Cut a piece of felt with the inner measures of the box to glue it to the bottom. I put the felt inside the box and made marks to cut.

gray felt fabric inside the wooden box

Apply the glue to the bottom of the box and lay the felt inside. I decided to use UHU glue instead of hot glue because I needed it to not dry so fast. Felt is flexible and you can stretch it a bit and fix the placement.

view of the glue applied inside the wooden box
view of the gray felt cloth glued inside the wooden box

Put back the separators.

view of the separators inside the wooden box

Cut another piece of felt to glue it to the base of the box. I do this to avoid scratching. This way you can move it around and nothing will get damaged.

general view of the wooden box on the gray felt cloth
view of the felt cloth glued under the wooden box

The same as before, I used UHU glue for this as well.

Now I used a purple ribbon to decorate the lidโ€™s edges. Using the same glue I started from the back making my way around the lid.

gluing the ribbon on the edges of the wooden box

Finish, cutting the ribbon leaving 1 centimeter extra to fold and glue. This way you get a clean finish.

close-up of the end of the ribbon on the edges of the wooden box

WOOT! Almost done.

Almost Finihed Painted Jewelry Box view

My final touch was writing โ€œWith Loveโ€ on the lid. I tried my best at lettering. First make the words with a pen and then finish with a purple sharpie.

view of making lettering on the lid of the wooden box
view of lettering finished

Not perfect but as I said, to be my first attempt, it was not that bad! Besides It was made with LOTS of love!

general view of DIY Painted Jewelry Box

Ok, now itโ€™s done!!

closer view of the open box with some jewels inside
DIY Painted Jewelry Box Washi Painted view
DIY Painted Jewelry Box ribbon closer view
general vie of the open DIY Painted Jewelry Box Organization

What do you think??? I would love to hear your thoughts in comments about my DIY Painted Jewelry Box. Have you tried BiriBiri before?

If you donโ€™t know what BiriBiri is, BiriBiri is a new art style from Japan and it consists of cutting and pasting colorful Japanese washi to create images that look like paintings. It was created by U-CAN. U-CAN has aided their customers through each individualโ€™s life-long learning process over the last 60 years. The U-CAN Learning Method (ULM) is a learning platform for BiriBiri techniques to help you develop your artistic style and process. You can watch video tutorials, read easy how-to guides, and ask any questions to BiriBiri teachers online. ULM is available to those who purchase any BiriBiri Project, which includes the ULM and Kit.

I would so love if you could share this Painted Jewelry Box project on your social media so more people can start creating amazing things with this technique!

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Til’ next time…

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