How to Make a Cute Skirt out of Kids Old Jeans

Hello everyone! I’m a huge fan of giving a second life to old things. If there is something that I especially love, I always find a way to refashion, repurpose,ย  upcycle, re-use… You get the idea LOL. Of course, when there is no way to do it there are always charity boxes to put them and help other people. Today Iโ€™m excited to share with you a cute clothe refashion I made for my little girl as a guest post over at Life After Laudry. I made this cute skirt out of an old 12 month Garanimal jeans {I think they made a mistake on the age in the label LOL but shhh don’t tell}.

How to Make a Cute Skirt out of Kids Old Jeans

Make a Cute Skirt out of Kids Old Jeans cover image with title text overlay

My little girl is very thin {believe it or not she eats A LOT}, being 26 months, she can still use 12-18 months pants and skirts because of the elastic on the waist. But some pants just donโ€™t fit anywhere else. Thatโ€™s the perfect opportunity to turn them into skirts, which means having a new outfit! =P

This is super easy to make, I made it in a couple of hours {even taking pictures}. What you need:

  • Jeans
  • Some fabric scraps
  • Buttons
  • Scissors
  • Threads
  • Pins

First of all I measured the length I wanted the skirt and cut the excess. Then I unstitched the seam between legs.

top view of jean pants cut to the desired length

Started on the front, by folding over the original stitched crutch piece, and pinned it in place. Since what I had left from the legs wasnโ€™t enough to add a triangle in the front space formed by the legs, I just adjusted the crutch and pinned all the way down. Itโ€™s important to make sure it doesnโ€™t malformed the skirt.

top view of jean pants cut and pinned in the middle

I stitched on the right side following the pins.

close up view of machine sewing the middle seam of cut pants

I cut the remaining fabric on the inside.

showing the excess fabric from the seam made on the inside of the pants

For the back I stitched a line from the half way top to the bottom.

For the Hem, with the skirt turned inside out, I turned it under ยฝ inch, then ironed it, I turned it under another ยฝ inch to enclose the raw edge, ironed it again and pinned it. I stitch around the edge of the skirt.

hemming the skirt on the sewing machine

There you go! A new skirt!

ready-made skirt top view

Then I decorated it with a couple of fabric hearts and buttons on the front and a cute pocket on the back.

I cut out 2 hearts from 2 different fabrics. I just Folded a piece of fabric draw a half heart against the fold, cut and thatโ€™s it, you have a perfect symmetric heart.

I placed them on the skirt and pinned them.

top view of two hearts of different patterned and sized fabric on top of the skirt

Then I stitched around the edges.

close view of sewing the hearts to the skirt on sewing machine

After that, I cut a rectangle from one of the fabrics, made a hem on all 4 sides. I stitched on short side for the opening. Then I pinned it in place on the skirt. I stitched around the other 3 sides.

top view of the skirt with a square of fabric to make the pocket

The final touch was adding some cute heart-shaped buttons on the plain fabric heart and on the pocked.

close-up view of hearts sewn to skirt with heart-shaped buttons sewn on

close view of the back pocket on the skirt with a heart-shaped button in the middle

Tadaaaa! All done!

close view girl with the skirt already finished

And my girl loves it!

general front view girl wearing the finished skirt
general back view girl wearing the finished skirt
general side view girl posing the already finished skirt
general 45 grades view girl posing the already finished skirt
Side close-up view of the back pocket of the finished skirt

What do you think???? Easy, isnโ€™t it??? Have done this before????

If you like this project you might also like these too {click on the images}

Til’ next time…

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