DIY Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies.

Just 2 supplies, a huge amount of love, and one cute little baby girl it’s all you need to create this beautiful and fun Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies. This project will look so cute on your little girl and also makes a perfect baby shower gift!

DIY Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies cover image with title text overlay

Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies Tutorial

I love buttons and I have to say it. Itโ€™s all because of a lovely friend I had when I was working in Advertising back in Venezuela. I always remember her with love and I canโ€™t help thinking of her when I see buttons or things that can be made with buttons.

For that reason, I decided to start a Series of button projects and my first one is this cute Buttons Flower Onesie I made for my little girl.

Fun Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies

I got really inspired when I went to Walmart during a visit to the US and saw all those cute buttons they have. It’s not difficult to imagine how cute our kids would look like with something we make with so much love.

This project is incredibly easy and fun to make, you just need 2 basic supplies.

Button Decorated Onesie supplies:

  • Buttons
  • Onesie
  • Of course, needle, and threads.
Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies supplies

How to Make This Button Decorated Onesie:

Firstly, I composed the flower on the onesie to decide how I liked it better.

placing the buttons to visualize the design on the onesie

Once it was like I wanted I took a pic with my phone so I could remember exactly how and where I wanted it. I also used a fabric marker to make tiny dots where I wanted to sew each button.

closeup of the design made with buttons on the onesie

Started sewing each button in place, one by one. I sewed them very tight so they wonโ€™t come out when I put the onesie on the washer machine.

close up image of some buttons already sewn to the onesie
perspective view of the button design already sewn to the oniese

Then I place one cute little button on each shoulder so it would match the flower. But just on one layer. If you sew both the baby head might not go through.

close up of little button on shoulder

Thatโ€™s it!

general top view Button Flower Onesie

Time to wear it!

Cute Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies

Look how my baby girl looks!!! So cute isn’t she???

Easy Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies
Lovely and Easy Flower Button Decorated Onesie for Babies Tutorial

Mom and Daughter Matching Hair Clips

Right after I made this cute onesie for my baby girl, I also created the cutest matching hair clips ever. Using the same buttons I create a hair clip for her and another one for me.

general view of folded onesie

We still have it and use it so you will see she has grown up when I updated the photos!

DIY Button Hair Clips mom girl

Here are some of my favorite button Projects from my favorite bloggers:

What do you think??? Do you like creating cute things with buttons????

If you enjoyed this cute project, don’t forget to PIN and share it with friends!

Floral Button Decorated Onesie for Babies
DIY Floral Button Decorated Onesie for Babies
Floral Button Decorated Onesie for Babies Tutorial

For more Buttons inspirations, check these other posts from the series {click on the images}

Til’ next time…

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