DIY 5 Minutes Finger Knit Bracelet with Yarn

Try these 5 minutes finger knit bracelet made with chunky yarn. It’s a great DIY project for kids and teens! Quick and easy to make. Learn more here!

It’s spring and we are eager to have a more colorful and brighter surroundings. Since I had some mesh yarn left from my mesh yarn flower, I thought it would be a good idea to use it to make some crafty jewelry. I couldn’t think of a better idea than a cheerful Finger knit bracelet made with colorful yarn.

DIY Yarn Finger Knit Bracelet with owl pendant Cover Image with Title overlay

You might also love these other Handmade Jewelry ideas: 5-min DIY Finger Knitted Bracelet with Jersey T-Shirt, Easy DIY Braided Bracelet, and DIY Easy Button Bracelets.

DIY 5 Minutes Finger knit bracelet Tutorial

I saw this idea on V and CO and it looked so cute and simply to make. It was made of jersey cotton and the best part was that you only need yarn and your fingers to make it, no knitting needles were needed!!!

¡Oh! and of course, any ornament that you may want to use. Once you get the rhythm you can make it super-fast, this is why I call it 5 Minutes Craft!

Modern and Wearable DIY 5-Minutes Mesh Yarn Knit Bracelet

The good thing about Finger Knitting is that you can make so many fun accessories and also add fun variations. You can make necklaces, ankle bracelets, belts, headbands, and even scarves, and so many more fun ideas.

This craft makes a great project for total beginners, kids, and teens. Kids can improve motor skills and teens can create amazing new accessories to match their styles.

How to Make a Finger knit bracelet

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  • Wool or yarn in your favorite colors (or jersey knit fabric or any other flexible and thick material)
  • An ornament *Optional.


  • Pair of scissors


I made a fun video tutorial for the 3 types of bracelets 2, 3, and 4 fingers, but if you like a more photo bases step-by-step tutorial, scroll down and let’s get to it.

This technique can be made with 2, 3 and 4 fingers. This tutorial is for the 2 fingers bracelet only. If you want to learn how to make the other 2 Finger knitted bracelets check out the blog posts here or watch the video above.

I usually don’t establish a specific measure, I just knit until I get what I need.

Step 1: Creating the first loop

The first thing we do is to tighten one end of the yarn between the thumb and the pointer finger with your palm facing up just like in the pic below.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Then weave the strip in and out of our fingers, first behind your ring finger and then in front of your pinky finger.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Come back and loop back in front of your ring finger.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Come back around from behind of the pinky side to the front to make a big loop.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Now take your weaved loops and go over your finger and big loop like the picture below.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Keep doing it so with the next finger.  Pull a little bit of the yarn to adjust it, It’s not necessary to make it too tight.

Now there were two loops on each finger. Grab the bottom loop on the pinky finger, and pull it over the top loop and right off the finger.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Then do the same thing on the ring finger: lift the bottom loop over the top loop and slid it right off.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

This makes the first stitch!

Step 2: Building the bracelet chain

Now you need to make another top set of loops. Repeat the steps above.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Once you see you have many loops like 6 chains or so done, take your starting tail and gently pull, while your chain is still securely placed on your fingers so it makes the chain more defined and it gives you a better idea of how long you need to make your chain.

Finger waving the jersey yarn as described above

Every now and then take a look and see how long you need to make your chain, depending on your wrist size.

Showing how the chain is comung along pulling from the end tail

Step 3: Finishing the knitting chain

Once you’ve decided you have a long enough chain length, cut the wool leaving a few centimeters, and carefully pull the loops off your fingers, making sure you don’t undo any of the chains by losing the loops.

Ready to take the loops off my fingers

You are going to get 2 loops.

holding both loops together with my hands

Take the end you just cut and slip it into both loops.

making the closing knot

Pull all the way through, and carefully tug the end making a tight knot.

tightening the knot

So you have the chain ready. Now add the ornament. I used an owl. Weird Huh?

An owl pendant on my hands

In this case, I slipped the chain from the back to the front and passed it just over the owl’s belly and then slipped it again from the front to the back.

the finger knit chain attached to the own pendant

Step 4: Closing the finger knit bracelet

Here you are finishing the process, Just tie off your bracelet with a knot and cut off excess tails!

making a tight knot to close the bracelet

This is what you get.

The large finger knit bracelet ready to wear.

Now what I did was place the owl on my wrist and make loops with the chain until it fit my wrist.

putting the bracelet on my wrist with owl facing up
making looks to fasten the bracelet on my wrist

Isn’t it cute????

Wearing the 3-loop finger knit bracelet
One gorgeous and Wearable DIY 5-Minutes Finger Knit Bracelet

There you go, my first bracelet is done!

This super cute, easy craft, and fun-to-make yarn finger knit bracelet is ready to rock your outfit!

Wearing the 5-Minutes Finger Knit Bracelet.
Cute DIY 5-Minutes Mesh Yarn Knit Bracelet

Aaaaand since I still got some wool left I made a headband with a flower for Emma =D so we are coordinated =D. It is a cutie and it looks even better on her.

What do you think? Cute, isn’t it?

I definitely LOOOOVE it.

How about you? Let me know your thought in the comments down below!

Finger knit Project Variations and alternatives

Instead of wool yarn, you can use jersey knit yarn or actually create your own yarn with old T-Shirts. Or you can use different types of yarn or ribbon, cord is fun too. Also, you can make it is so many different colors!

You can also use beads and ornaments to add your own special touch. Wooden beads always look so pretty!

I’m so happy with my new bracelet and I wanted to share it with you. This is how I made it:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is finger knitting easier than knitting?

Finger knitting is one of the most fun and easy crafts you can do with your kids (children as young as 5 can do this, but younger children may also be able to do it). Unlike traditional knitting, it is much faster and easier to do, requires no experience or expertise, and doesn’t require any equipment other than yarn and scissors.

What is finger knitting good for?

It helps us develop dexterity, strength, and flexibility in our hands, fingers, and thumbs – all of which play a key role in our writing abilities later on. Knitting also promotes eye-hand coordination, concentration, and perseverance, all of which contribute to the development of children.

What yarn do I use for finger knitting?

Working with bulky yarn and t-shirt yarn produces the best results, but you can hold two strands of worsted weight yarn together for a similar look.

More Handmade Jewelry Projects to Try

If you enjoyed this cute Finger Knit Bracelet with Yarn tutorial, you might love these other Handmade Jewelry projects ideas too


DIY 5-Minutes Mesh Finger Bracelet with owl Pinterest Image with title overlay

Til’ next time…

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