Free Today To Do Planner Printable (To stay focused)

I made this cute and simple Today To Do Planner Printable to try staying on track and sane while organising my home and I wanted to share it with you for free.

As some of you might (or might not) know, I recently moved to a new apartment. If you have moved before, you know how crazy busy and overwhelming it gets.

Free Today To Do Planner Printable

Free Today To Do Planner Printable cover image with title text overlay

I gotta be honest here and the truth is that the few first weeks I felt like out of control without knowing where to start organizing.

I even drop everything for a few days feeling overwhelmed and helpless.

Then with the help of my hubby, I started putting tasks ahead and buying the necessary things to start working.

I suddenly realized what was missing in my picture.



I needed to organize each day. Schedule different things for different days because what was messing with my head is trying to do everything at once and since thatโ€™s not possible I just got frustrated.

One of the things that has helped me the most is to organize one day at a time.

First on a notebook and then on a single daily page so I could focus on what was coming only that day.

For that reason, I made this pretty Today To Do Planner Printable and why not share it with you.

view of To Do Planner Printable on the desk

This is useful for any particular case. Weather you are working on projects, or simply home shores, daily appointments, anything goes.

Whatโ€™s important is to keep all the things you gotta do in one place and block it by days and focus only on what you gotta do TODAY!

You might later on, re-organize your tasks between days but try to stick with what you have on your TODAY list.

Itโ€™s easier and less overwhelming. When you have in your head all the things you have to do during the whole week you will go insane and most likely forget half of it (with luck).

another view of To Do Planner Printable on the desk

Every time I leave aside planning my days, my projects, my week I literally go insanely out of control. Days go by and I do nothing. I donโ€™t feel productive AT ALL and that kind of feeling depresses me.

On the other hand when I keep track and stay organised, my days are so productive and I accomplish so much. When I go to bed I sleep like baby, happy and joyful.

I might be crazy though, which wouldnโ€™t surprise me. But I work better under discipline and I go crazy without it.

How about you? Do you like to plan ahead and stay organized? Or are you the kind โ€œwe see as they comeโ€? Whatโ€™s your strategy when it comes to be productive? I would love to hear your approach on this in comments.

So, wanna snag this free Today To Do Planner printable?

Guess what??? It’s available for Letter size and A4 size!

Here you have it!

screenshot of To Do Planner letter size Printable
screenshot of To Do Planner A4 size Printable

Well, hope this Today To Do Planner  printable and my experience in this matter helps you somehow. We never know, I just share it and hope itโ€™s helpful!

general view of To Do Planner Printable
closer view of To Do Planner Printable
Free Today To Do Planner Printable Pinterest cover image with title text overlay

Have an awesome day my friends!

If you like this Fun Today To Do Planner printable you might also love these too:

Til’ next time…

Keeping your Sweet Home Organized

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